Chairman, Co-founder & Majority Shareholder, Poursina Hakim Holding Co.
Professor Sayyed Mohammad Hassan Emami is a leading gastroenterologist, recognized academic, entrepreneur and philanthropist.
He is a full professor at Isfahan University of Medical Sciences where he currently serves as the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, and has extensive experience in medical practice, research and teaching. Professor Emami is also the co-founder, chairman, and majority shareholder of Poursina Hakim Holding Co.
From a young age, he was very keen on helping people and so began planning the formation of an organization that would work towards the welfare of the general public. In 1978, after graduating from high school in his hometown, Isfahan, he moved to the United States to continue his studies. For the next four years he would study in various medicine-related courses including Nuclear Medicine Technology at New York University Hospital. Eventually, due to his willingness to directly interact with and help people, he decided to become a medical doctor. He chose to continue his studies in Iran, since he believed that this way, he could be of better help to his home country. In 1982 he began studying medicine at Isfahan University of Medical Sciences and after becoming a GP, earned a specialty in Internal Medicine and a subspecialty in Gastroenterology and Hepatology. Dr. Emami became a member of the Iranian Board of Internal Medicine, a faculty member at Isfahan University of Medical Sciences and held various managing positions in hospitals and academic institutions. He is among the first physicians in the world to perform TTS balloon dilation therapy for esophageal strictures caused by epidermolysis bullosa deformities, and also endoscopic ablation of large vascular lesions caused by blue rubber bleb nevus syndrome by polypectomy both in the colon and the small bowel.
Dr. Emami always enjoyed helping people; alleviating pain in patients was an aspect of his profession he greatly enjoyed. Throughout the years, he regularly worked pro bono, trying to serve those most in need of help and at the same time, constantly worked on his plan for formation of the organization he had envisioned before. From the experience he had gained, he reached the conclusion that he could better reach his goals if the organization he establishes is privately owned rather than governmental. Also, due to the variety of the goals he had in mind, he concluded that the organization should have the form of a holding company whose subsidiaries would each play a part in reaching the goals.
In 2001, after achieving his subspecialty, and seeking the cooperation of professionals and attracting funding, he formally established Poursina Hakim Clinic, the first subsidiary of Poursina Hakim Holding Co., the organization he envisioned. Other subsidiaries would later be established and the company is still expanding.
CEO & Member of Board of Directors, Poursina Hakim Clinic
- 2013-2017: Specialty in Internal Medicine, Isfahan University of Medical Sciences.
- 1992-1999: Doctor of Medicine, Isfahan University of Medical Sciences.
Professional History
- Since 2006: CEO & Member of Board of Directors, Poursina Hakim Clinic.
- Since 2006: Director and Research Manager, Gastrointestinal and Hepatobilliary Diseases Research Center, Poursina Hakim Research Institute for Health Care Development.
- Since 2017: Faculty Member, School of Medicine, Islamic Azad University of Najafabad.
- Since 2017: Director, Clinical Excellence Council, Social Security Organization, Isfahan Office.
- Since 2017: Physician, Internal Medicine Department, Dr. Shariati Hospital, Isfahan, Iran.
- Since 2017: Member of Iranian Board of Internal Medicine.
- Since 2015: Director and Manager, Isfahan IBD Surveillance Project, Isfahan University of Medical Sciences.
- 2015-2017: Chief Resident, Internal Medicine Department, Isfahan University of Medical Sciences.
- 2014-2017: Member of Disciplinary Board, Isfahan University of Medical Sciences.
- 2003-2008: Research Manager, Isfahan Cardiovascular Research Center (a WHO Collaborating Center)
- 2006-2010: Managing Editor, ARYA Atherosclerosis Journal (The Official Journal of Isfahan Cardiovascular Research Center)
- 2006-2007: Member of Council on Policy Priorities, Social Security Organization, Isfahan Office.
- 2001-2008: Head of Evaluation Committee, Isfahan Healthy Heart Program (a national program for NCD prevention and control).

Member of Board of Directors, Poursina Hakim Holding Co. & CEO, Iranian Celiac Association
- Since 2017: Phd Candidate in Health Policy, Iran University of Medical Sciences.
- 2012-2014: Master of Business Administration, Payame Noor University of Tehran.
- 1995-1999: Bachelor of Science in Nursing, Isfahan University of Medical Sciences.
Professional History
- Since 2004: CEO, Iranian Celiac Association.
- Since 2000: Member of Board of Directors, Poursina Hakim Co.
- Since 2007: Member of Board of Directors, Razen Co.
- Since 2013: Member of Board of Directors, Masstec Co.
- Since 2004: Member of Research and Development Council, Poursina Hakim Co.
- 2000-2004: Director of Training and Registered Nurse, Poursina Hakim Co.
- Since 2003: Researcher, Poursina Hakim Research Center.
- 2002-2011: Registered Nurse, Dr. Shariati Hospital, Isfahan.
- 1999-2001: Registered Nurse, Alzahra University Hospital.

Member of Board of Directors, Poursina Hakim Holding Co. & Chief Marketing Officer, Co-founder, & Member of Board of Directors, Masstec Medical Co.
Sayyed Emran Emami is a biomaterials engineer, a member of the board of directors of Pousina Hakim Holding Co, a co-founder of Masstec Co. and also its current Chief Marketing Officer.
He obtained his BS in Materials Engineering from Isfahan University of Technology and his MS in Biomaterials Engineering from Amirkabir University of Technology. In 2014, he participated in the national entrance exam for PhD programs in Biomaterials Engineering and ranked third among all participants. As a result, he entered the PhD program at Iran’s Institute of Materials and Energy. However, after completing the first year he quit his studies in order to work towards the development of the newly-established Masstec Co, which he co-founded.